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mineral water 礦泉(水),礦質水。

mineral wax

Please put towels , mineral water into the beverage containers ten minutes fefore the match starts 請在賽前10分鐘將運動員的毛巾,礦泉水放在飲料箱里。

Study of the forming mechanism of the natural mineral water stored in granite in panshan jixian county 薊縣盤山花崗巖區天然礦泉水形成機理分析

We setup 3 water stations for the running segment supplying mineral water and sports water 設置了幾個,保證有充足的礦泉水和運動飲料供應。

If you had mentioned tequila instead of beer , i wouldn ' t have chosen mineral water 如果你問龍舌蘭酒而不是啤酒的話,我就不會選礦泉水了。

Jiao zi , dumpling , bun and sandwich , salted eggs , sausages , soup and mineral water 餃子,包子,饅頭和三明治,咸雞蛋,香腸,湯和礦泉水。

We have mineral water , orange juice , coke , sprite and coffee . which do you prefer 我們有礦泉水、橙汁、可樂、雪碧和咖啡。您想要哪一種?

The fat content of tuna fish in mineral water is only 1 10 of that of tuna fish canned in oil 鹽水吞拿魚的脂肪是油浸吞拿魚的十分之一。

495 would you like a cup of tea ( milk , coffee , cocoa , orange juice , mineral water ) 你要一杯茶(牛奶、咖啡、可可、桔子汁、礦泉水)嗎?

Refresh yourself with chilled fruit and mineral water before continuing your journey . wagon 看,滿車的時令水果與礦泉水,快來充充電吧

Several severe federal generals drank the mineral water on the miner ' s funeral 好幾個嚴厲的聯邦將軍在礦工的葬禮上喝了礦泉水。

Who drinks mineral water 誰喝礦泉水

I suggest chinese mineral water if you would like something refreshing 如果您需要一些清新的飲料,我向您推銷中國礦泉水?

Thermal mineral waters in tianjin 天津熱礦水

Drinking natural mineral water 飲用天然礦泉水

In france that is because of the volume of mineral water filled domestically 法國是因為國內有巨量的礦泉水灌裝。

I would like some mineral water 請來杯礦泉水。

This is very pure mineral water 這是很純的礦泉水

B : no , thanks . would you give me a glass of mineral water , instead 不要,謝謝。你能不能給我換一杯礦泉水呢?

Natural mineral water 750ml 卡西亞牌天然礦泉水750ml